Thursday, August 14, 2008

To BUSY!!!

So apparently these two love birds are to busy with Training to keep us all posted on their adventures and life.. So I took the liberty of Getting their login information and spiced up their page.. haha.. Hope you guys like it...
Well I know you are working hard in the Training Center, and we all know that you both will do a great Job. You guys are so blessed with the gift of Love! We will all miss you, but I know that you guys will be greatly blessed for accomplishing this task. All I ask is that you do not get so busy that you cannot update the rest of us on your CHINA events.... Thanks for always being at our big and little events in life...
Love you...
Michelle Simmons (your favorite daughter in Hawaii)......

1 comment:

Julie said...

Way to go blog expert. Thanks for the help. It is my goal to get better at this. We are done with training and exhausted. So much mind is overflowing.... Too fun to see the new things on our blog. Thanks! Your dad certainly missed being with you today. We will miss you so much this coming year. Reality is setting in and I can't believe we are going in a week. Love to you guys!!!!!